◇ Embrace manufacturing practices that emphasize low consumption, low emissions, high efficiency, and high profitability.

◇ Utilize energy-efficient equipment and implement clean production technologies to minimize environmental impact.

◇ Continuously optimize resource utilization and proactively incorporate eco-friendly materials in design to reduce waste and emissions.

Key Performance
Energy intensity Decrease by 3.15%
Water consumption intensity Decrease by 20.27%
General waste emission intensity Decrease by 9.91%
Hazardous waste emission intensity Decrease by 9.47%
Energy-saving projects 94 projects
Adoption of clean energy and increased photovoltaic power generation in major factories 4.92 million kilowatt-hours.
Carbon emissions coverage for Scopes 1 and 2 across the entire Kaifa group 100%

Kaifa references the TCFD framework and has adopted the Paris Agreement scenario to limit global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, as well as the Business-as-Usual scenario to identify risks, opportunities, and potential transformational impacts. These scenarios help Kaifa develop its climate strategies and action plans.

Meanwhile, transparent information is provided to investors and stakeholders for long-term success and positive contributions to global climate issues.

GHG Emission Data(2023)

Note:The gases included in the GHG emission data include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

To enhance fairness and accuracy, the carbon emissions data of Kaifa Chengdu and Kaifa Dongguan are certified by third-party organization. View Certification

Energy Management Policy
Energy Efficiency:Taking all necessary measures to improve energy utilization efficiency and reduce energy waste and losses. By optimizing production processes, promoting energy-saving technologies and equipment, we aim to minimize our energy consumption and carbon emissions.
Renewable Energy:Actively promoting the use of renewable energy sources, including solar and hydro energy. Through investment and procurement of renewable energy facilities, we aim to reduce reliance on traditional energy sources and improve the sustainability of our energy supply.
Energy Management System:Establishing an ISO 50001-based energy management system. Collecting and analyzing energy data to address abnormal consumption and waste. Setting energy targets, developing energy-saving measures, and monitoring implementation for continuous performance improvement.
Employee Engagement:Encouraging employee participation in energy-saving actions, raising awareness of energy consumption, and strengthening their understanding and implementation of energy-saving measures through training and education.
Monitoring and Reporting:Regularly monitoring and measuring energy consumption. Conducting energy performance assessments and developing key indicators to measure effectiveness. Kaifa discloses energy management results and improvement measures to stakeholders, ensuring transparency and communication.
Utilization of Clean Energy – Photovoltaic Power Stations

Newly Added Photovoltaic Power Stations in 2023

Environmental Management Policy
Environmental Protection:We take measures to minimize environmental pollution and energy consumption by optimizing resource utilization, adopting eco-friendly technologies, and reducing the negative impact of our production and operations on the environment.
Energy Management:We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact by reducing energy consumption and optimizing energy utilization. Through the promotion of energy-saving technologies and the adoption of renewable energy sources, we achieve effective energy management.
Water Resource Management:We prioritize water resource protection and rational utilization. Through a water resource management system, monitoring, and control of water usage, optimized production processes, and reduced water pollution, we strive for sustainable water resource utilization.
Air Emissions Management:We implement effective measures for exhaust gas treatment to minimize emissions. By utilizing advanced emission control equipment and technologies, our goal is to reduce pollution to the atmosphere and safeguard air quality.
Waste Management:We are committed to improving waste management efficiency by reducing waste generation and ensuring safe and compliant waste disposal. Our goal is to minimize the environmental impact through responsible waste management practices.
Environmental Risk Assessment and Improvement:We conduct regular environmental risk assessments to identify and evaluate potential risks. Based on the results, we implement control measures to mitigate these risks. We also monitor and measure our environmental performance using key indicators to track progress in our improvement efforts.
Employee Training and Involvement:We promote environmental awareness and adherence to management policies through communication and diverse employee training programs. We provide necessary resources and support to encourage active employee participation in environmental protection activities.
Information Disclosure and Communication:Prioritizing transparency and accountability, Kaifa actively communicates and collaborates with stakeholders. We share our environmental achievements, welcome feedback, and foster a collaborative approach to environmental stewardship.