◇ Prioritize the physical and mental well-being of employees by ensuring a supportive work environment, fair compensation and benefits, and equal opportunities for professional growth.

◇ Value employee development by providing personalized learning and development plans.

◇ Actively fulfill social responsibilities through active participation in charitable initiatives.

◇ Foster strong partnerships with employees, customers, and suppliers to cultivate shared value and foster mutual success.

Key Performance
  • Material Issues
    Event of child labor 0
    Event of minors engaging in hazardous work 0
    Event of forced labor 0
    Event of employee discrimination 0
  • OHS Management
    ISO45001 system certification rate 100 %
    Rate of signing safety production responsibility agreements 100 %
    Number of newly reported occupational diseases (from 2016) 0
    Lost work hours rate per million work hours 0.0024 %
    Rate of lost work hours incidents per million work hours 0.36 times
  • Employee Structure
    Percentage of minority employees 13 %
    Percentage of female employees 33 %
    Percentage of non-local employees 12.4 %
  • Employee Union
    Coverage rate of employees under collective contracts 100 %
    Employee care activities 7466
    Amount of support provided to employees in difficulties ¥500,000
  • Welfare and Benefits
    Coverage rate of departmental employee representatives 100 %
    Response rate to employee representative opinions 100 %
    Employee satisfaction rate 3.98
    Ratio of employee performance and development assessment 100 %
    Coverage rate of welfare programs 100 %
    Ratio of retirees enjoying benefits 100 %
  • Training
    Total training hours 133,372
    Training coverage rate 87 %
    Training satisfaction rate > 95 %
    Number of active trainers 237
    Number of newly developed courses 155
Key Measures to Prohibit Child Labor
Employee Recruitment: Strictly adhere to guidelines, such as the Operator Recruitment Process Guide and the Management Methods for Labor Service Cooperative Units in Operator Recruitment, explicitly prohibiting child labor. Employ measures like interviews, resume verification, and identity validation to prevent the recruitment of child labor.
Supply Chain and Partnerships: Ensure compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct, which explicitly prohibits the use of child labor, for suppliers and partners. Regularly review and assess their adherence to these guidelines.
Review and Audit: Conduct internal and supply chain audits to ensure regulatory compliance. Engage in third-party inspections and certifications for transparent and credible supply chains. Establish a reporting mechanism to encourage employees to report any child labor incidents, protecting us from its impact.
Training and Education: Promote awareness of child labor issues within Kaifa and among supply chain partners, emphasizing our policies and standards against child labor. Provide targeted training and education to suppliers to enhance their understanding and management capabilities regarding child labor.
Key Anti-Discrimination Measures
Training and Audits: Conduct regular training to enhance employees' understanding of anti-discrimination principles and raise awareness of related issues. Ensure suppliers comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, including anti-discrimination requirements. Conduct periodic social responsibility audits and, if necessary, third-party audits to prevent discrimination incidents in the supply chain.
Development of Female Employees: Create a gender-equal work environment, empowering female employees to leverage their strengths and contribute to team management and technological innovation. Address challenges they may face, provide necessary support, implement equal pay, and enforce policies such as paid marriage leave, maternity leave, breastfeeding breaks. Offer additional benefits such as free gynecological examinations, dedicated spaces for working mothers, and organize activities to reduce work stress and enhance work-life balance.
Empowering Persons with Disabilities: Foster an inclusive workplace that provides equal employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. Offer suitable positions and ensure their welfare needs are met, while fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities.
Key Measures to Prevention of Forced Labor

We prioritize human rights protection and risk management, adhering to a "transparent, fair, and equal" employment policy that ensures no discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, nationality, ethnicity, age, disability, or marital status in recruitment, selection, disciplinary actions, employee development, compensation and benefits, and termination of labor contracts.

Development History of Occupational Health and Safety Management

View Kaifa System Certification

Safety Vision

Safety Objectives

Safety Values

Kaifa Topic Groups
Kaifa has developed its training system with a core focus on empowering employees and supporting the business. To leverage organizational experience, we cultivate internal experts and key talents in specific positions. Since 2022, Kaifa has established multiple topic groups to drive specialized initiatives.

Training Program: Leadership - Initiation
In 2023, we introduced the "Initiation" leadership training camp specifically designed for newly appointed managers. This program adopts an innovative approach by combining online and offline training formats. It integrates various learning methods, including online courses, practical exercises, interactive online communities, and offline knowledge sharing, to facilitate practical application and action-oriented transformation. The program covers a wide range of topics, including management skills, professional expertise, and overall competencies. It incorporates engaging training activities and practical assignments to ensure effective learning outcomes and the successful application of acquired knowledge.
Training Program: Lean Six Sigma Talent Development
Kaifa consistently organizes Lean Six Sigma training programs to foster a culture of quality process management. Through training at different levels, including Lean specialists, Green Belts, Black Belts, Champions, and subject matter experts, Kaifa has successfully promoted operational excellence. These programs involve executives and experts sharing Kaifa's proven strategies. With over two decades of experience, Kaifa has embraced the Lean philosophy of working by process and relying on data-driven decision-making.
Supplier Risk Management Measures
Kaifa, in collaboration with its suppliers, is dedicated to promoting the sustainability of the entire value chain. We have established comprehensive processes for supplier lifecycle management and supply chain risk management. We strengthen our management of conflict minerals and social responsibility by imposing rigorous requirements and providing communication and training. Through these efforts, we collectively enhance the sustainability of the supply chain.

Conflict Minerals
Kaifa is dedicated to refraining from procuring materials that contain conflict minerals, including tungsten, tin, tantalum, gold, cobalt, mica, and other minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk regions. We conduct thorough due diligence investigations to prevent the exacerbation of environmental damage and human rights violations through mineral trade, thereby making a meaningful contribution to sustainable, equitable, and effective development.