Kaifa Ranked the Top Ten of “Most Popular with Investors of Listed Company"s Website"
Release Time:2015-01-15
Recently, the Securities Times, China Securities Times Online and Listed Company Development Alliance co-sponsored the "China"s most popular interactive platform for investor relations - The 6th China listed company"s outstanding website ". Kaifa was honored as "Most Popular with Investors of Listed Company"s Website", "Best Information Disclosure of Listed Company"s Website, "" Best Investor Relations Interactive Platform". At the same time, Kaifa secretary of the Board was award "Best Website of Investor Relations Management Secretary". As a listed company, Kaifa emphasis on communication with investors, maintains close contact with investors by combining traditional methods with new media. The official website frequently and timely updates and offers multiple columns and provides investors latest information from the "News" and "Investor Relations" column. In addition to the site, Kaifa establishes microblog, wechat and other new media platforms. In 2014 Kaifa released a total number of more than 240 pieces of information and committed to providing a diverse communication channels, timely and efficiently transmitting company information.