Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certified by the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China
Known as the “green pass” of global trade, this certification not only streamlines the customs clearance process in Mainland China but also facilitates customs clearance and trade activities in more than 30 countries and regions that recognize AEO certification with China, including EU members, South Korea, and Singapore. At the same time, it grants access to priority applications for tax rebates with taxation authorities, increases in credit limits with financial institutions, and other preferential treatments.
Following receipt of a complaint, case managers mobilize related personnel to identify the cause through analysis, determine corrective and preventive measures, implement improvement measures, and provide improvement results. If a complaint is related to work in progress or shipped products, immediate containment measures are implemented to minimize any adverse impact within four (4) hours.
Case managers follow up with customer complaints in a timely manner. Upon request and wherever appropriate, initial analysis results and detailed plans to resolve the issue are provided to the customer. Once improvement measures are completed, case managers confirm the improvement measures and standardization status.
Case managers will timely confirm improvement results, and confirmation will be issued within four (4) weeks. By customer special request, or in the event of unusual complaints, complaint handling will be subject to special requirements.
Once improvement measures and results are confirmed, case managers will send measures and results to the customer for approval. Results will be recorded in the customer’s file and the complaint case will be closed after customer approval. In the event that a customer disapproves of suggested improvement measures and/or results, case managers will re-register the customer complaint under the QITS as a new customer complaint.