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Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Listing of Kaifa

Release Time:2024-05-21

On May 11, the 30th anniversary celebration forthe listing of Kaifa was successfully held at Kaifa Plaza. Representatives fromvarious group sectors attended the event to witness this grand occasion.

Since Kaifa was listed on the A-share market ofShenzhen Stock Exchange in 1994, the past three decades have witnessed itsglorious journey of growth with the support of the capital market. During thejourney, Kaifa has achieved important milestones in its market-orienteddevelopment. Over the thirty years of hard work, Kaifa has always adhered toits original intention and forged ahead towards the grand vision of"becoming a trustworthy and respected enterprise".

With the "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" countdown onthe site, the 30th anniversary commemorative event was officially unveiled. Inthe presence of many leaders and guests, Mr. Zhou Jinjun, the Deputy GeneralManager of the group, along with other leaders, jointly pressed the lightingpillars symbolizing the start of the "Forge Ahead at Thirty" event.Standing at a new starting point after 30 years of arduous trudge, Kaifa willwork with all walks of life and strategic partners to jointly push forward theindustrial development. 

At the meeting, Mr. Philip Cheng, President of Kaifa,conveyed his sincere wishes via video. He wished that Kaifa will strive tobecome a trustworthy and respected enterprise. He also encouraged the youngergeneration to "stand up to challenges" bravely and contribute theirefforts to Kaifa's development.

Subsequently, Mr. Zhou Jinjun made an address toexpress his enormous respect and sincere appreciation to all the shareholdersand partners who have long cared for and supported the development of the groupand Kaifa. He said that the group will support the transformation, upgrade,innovation, and development of Kaifa with full efforts. The group will focus onservices such as electronic manufacturing, chip packaging and testing, andenergy metering. Through these commitments, Kaifa aims to create more value forshareholders and investors.


On behalf ofKaifa, Han Zongyuan presented a report titled About Our Development withData at the 30th Anniversary, reviewing Kaifa's 30 years since its listingand looking ahead to its future.

In addition, around-table forum of High-end, Intelligent, Green -- Innovation LeadsAdvanced Manufacturing was held at the venue. Five guests discussed newquality productive forces, advanced manufacturing industry, and ArtificialIntelligence (AI), from the perspectives of the industry, enterprise,investment, technology, and market. In this way, the forum offered a feast ofideas to everyone.

In the future, weexpect that Kaifa will gain a foothold in the Greater Bay Area and develop itsbusiness at home and abroad, forging ahead towards the vision of "becominga trustworthy and respected enterprise".